Friday, December 9, 2011


It's been way too long since I posted something here! Life, living and learning...

Nothing is more authentic than students pleading with you about what to do for the next hour "Please! Please! Please!" AND it's NOT something you planned, but it turns out it is a continuation of something you started the day before and had NO idea they would be that excited about it! At that point you just have to say, "Okay. Learn away. Guess I don't even need to be here!" (Always a great day for a teacher.)

What you are viewing here is one of this year's goals... How can I take a subject each child is personally interested in, infuse it with literacy learning (another post on how I use their choices with literacy menu work) AND teach them one new technology tool to use in order to share their learning? This week it was the Prezi....

Again, chills....enjoy.  (You must have to copy and paste?  I'm used to URLs just automatically becoming links.  Evidently not on Blogger---or it's one more thing to figure out/learn today!!!!  Please do watch...)